I can finally say...WE DID IT...we made it through our first year of homeschooling!!!
I know that I am far more excited about this than my daughter.
Our first year of homeschooling has come to an end.
Last summer my husband and I made the decision that we would pull our daughter
out of public school.
She would began her 2nd grade year at home.
I was nervous. What if I didn't know the material, what if she didn't understand something,
what if she hated me for this...lots of "what if's."
It took us a month or two to get the hang of things, how the day would flow, how much we
could accomplish in a day, her favorite subjects, her worse subjects,
it was all a learning process.
There were days that I felt totally defeated. Days that I thought I couldn't do it.
Days were she did not enjoy it.
Days where I felt like a horrible mother for taking her away from her friends who she dearly missed.
However...we made our way through it!
She is a super star in math and loves science.
She is a hands on learner.
I loved watching her understand a concept.
I love seeing her at the kitchen sink measure out different increments of water and make hypothesis.
I loved seeing the excitement on her face as she finally mastered a spelling word.
I loved watching her read through chapter books.
I loved the joy in knowing that me, little ole me, her mother, had taught her the things that she knew.
There is so much reward and joy that comes from that.
She was not the only one learning. I learned SO much throughout this school year.
There is much that I will do differently next year.
I am so thankful for all of the resources available now to moms who home school.
There is such a wealth of information out there!
This week as everything has come to an end and we are SUPER excited for our summer break...
I am thankful.
Thankful I am able to stay at home to raise and teach our children.
Thankful that I do not have the fear that some have as they send there children off everyday.
Thankful that as a parent when I fail & mess up there is always forgiveness.
Lastly, I am thankful we are putting this first year down in the history books!
Looking forward to great things to come next year as I will be teaching a 3rd grader and a kindergartner!
My question to Madilyn as this year has come to an end,
"What was your favorite part of homeschooling this year?"
Her reply,
"Being with my mom all day and science because it was fun. I also loved learning math!"
When she said that answer and the first thing out of her mouth was,
"being with my mom all day"
my heart smiled.
It is worth it...it is totally worth it!