Thursday, May 23, 2013

We did it!!!

I can finally say...WE DID IT...we made it through our first year of homeschooling!!!

I know that I am far more excited about this than my daughter.
Our first year of homeschooling has come to an end. 
Last summer my husband and I made the decision that we would pull our daughter 
out of public school. 
She would began her 2nd grade year at home.

I was nervous. What if I didn't know the material, what if she didn't understand something, 
what if she hated me for this...lots of "what if's."
It took us a month or two to get the hang of things, how the day would flow, how much we 
could accomplish in a day, her favorite subjects, her worse subjects, 
it was all a learning process. 
There were days that I felt totally defeated. Days that I thought I couldn't do it.
Days were she did not enjoy it.
Days where I felt like a horrible mother for taking her away from her friends who she dearly missed.
However...we made our way through it! 
She is a super star in math and loves science. 
She is a hands on learner.
I loved watching her understand a concept. 
I love seeing her at the kitchen sink measure out different increments of water and make hypothesis.  
I loved seeing the excitement on her face as she finally mastered a spelling word.
I loved watching her read through chapter books.
I loved the joy in knowing that me, little ole me, her mother, had taught her the things that she knew. 
There is so much reward and joy that comes from that. 
She was not the only one learning. I learned SO much throughout this school year. 
There is much that I will do differently next year. 
I am so thankful for all of the resources available now to moms who home school. 
There is such a wealth of information out there! 
This week as everything has come to an end and we are SUPER excited for our summer break...
I am thankful.
Thankful I am able to stay at home to raise and teach our children.
Thankful that I do not have the fear that some have as they send there children off everyday.
Thankful that as a parent when I fail & mess up there is always forgiveness. 
Lastly, I am thankful we are putting this first year down in the history books! 
Looking forward to great things to come next year as I will be teaching a 3rd grader and a kindergartner!

My question to Madilyn as this year has come to an end,
"What was your favorite part of homeschooling this year?"
Her reply, 
"Being with my mom all day and science because it was fun. I also loved learning math!" 
When she said that answer and the first thing out of her mouth was, 
"being with my mom all day" 
my heart smiled. 
It is worth is totally worth it!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oh be careful little tongue...

Have you ever heard the saying, 
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?"
Truth is...that's a LIE! 
Words do hurt.
Words are permanent and no matter how many times you apologize you can never take words back. 
I am reminded of this little song I learned in Sunday school as a child.

Oh be careful little tongue what you say...
Oh be careful little tongue what you say...
For the Father up above is looking down in love...
So be careful little tongue what you say! 

I think we as adults can learn a great lesson from the simplicity of this children's song.
Often times we speak before our brain has time to process what's about to come out of our mouths!
I know I have been guilty of this. 

It does not matter if you are right in an argument or a disagreement with someone... sometimes it's just best to be silent than to say something that you might regret. 
I love the saying, "Be careful about giving someone a piece of your mind...
you don't have too much left to give away!" 

There are times when our mouths are used to cut down others, back bite, & gossip .
Woman and men are equally as guilty of this.
This talk benefits no one. It only leads to heartache & pain.
Proverbs 16:28 ~ A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends."  
Let's face it. We are all happier and nicer when we keep our nose in our own business. 
I read this saying just today, 
"If you think the grass is greener on the other side, get away from the fence and take care of your own lawn!"
There is so much truth in that! 

Often times we take out our daily stress on those closest to us. Our spouse, our children, our parents because we know that they will forgive us and continue to love us. We say things that we don't really mean. We yell. We try to hurt. We cut down. 
I am so thankful for Gods forgiveness and the forgiveness of others. 
I have surely come short in my day to day life.  
I am thankful for His grace. 

In Ephesians 4:29 Paul tells us how we are to talk.
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." 

So today, let's think before we speak.
Let's let our words be those of grace, encouragement, compliments, love, & edification!

Often times this requires patience but we will see great rewards when we minister grace!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Post holiday recovery!

Have you ever noticed how holidays wipe you out or I am the only one?
Yesterday was a wonderful day for me...Mother's Day.
My kids love little holidays that come along throughout the year...let's party!
Let's face it though...Moms work hard every day of the year and there really isn't much of a break even on a day that is dedicated to us! 
Yesterday morning my husband did keep the kids off of me until 8:30 a.m so that was nice!
He also had my cup of coffee waiting on me... he knows me well! 
The kids stormed in after I was out of bed with cards, hugs, & lots of "Happy Mothers Day" cheers!
Then came the Sunday morning... Pastors wife... rush for your life... and GET READY!!!
I ironed four kids clothes (Madilyn had her cousin over), got myself dressed, fixed the baby a juice cup, located his lost blankie, tripped over a truck in the living room, packed all my children's church material, made print outs, fixed snacks, & ran out the door sweating to death and wondering if I put on de-odorant!
We had a wonderful lesson in Sunday school and I taught the 11 a.m children's church class. 
We made paper flowers and mothers day cards. I know for some of our moms at church this was probably the only 'gift' they received. It makes it all worth it when you put things into perspective.  

When we left church we had to pull off the side of the road because I hear Levi in the back of the car say, "Why is Candler sitting in the back seat buckled up?!" 
Talk about a parental failure! 
Needless to say we got him put into his car seat and buckled properly! 
I did get to choose our meal for the day so we went for Chinese take out. 
We came home and had lunch on our picnic table because it was such a gorgeous day! 
Then we had the yummy cake I had made the night before.
Let's face it ... sometimes you have to make your own mothers day cake! 
Here is where you can find the recipe for the Tres Leches is time consuming but worth it!
I opted for strawberries instead of cherries!

After we were total stuffed I let the kids pick the movie for the afternoon. 'The Incredibles' was there choice! Madilyn said, "It reminds me of our family because there is a girl and two boys!" 
Unfortunately we didn't make it all the way through the movie. Everyone ended up in Mamas bed for a Sunday afternoon nap! Which I enjoyed very much! 
Our evening consisted of visiting my sweet Mama followed by dinner with Ryan's Mom.
We made it home by 10! 
I got the kids dressed for bed followed by hugs, kisses, and good nights. 
I headed for bed shortly after they did. 
My mothers day was really just like any other. Taking care of my family, seeing that their needs are met, & loving on each and every one of them. After all isn't that was being a mother is all about? 
Today I will be lucky if I even change out of my pj's!
So enjoy your Monday and Mommy on! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Well, it's Mother's Day...So cheers to my Mama!

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing my post this past week. 
From writing about each of my babies, to my grandmothers, to my mother-in-law, and now to my Mama. My number one lady! 
I hope that she enjoys reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing and reminiscing! 
My mother became a mother in June of 1984 at only 16 years old. I am sure she was judged by many and scared out of her mind. She could have taken a much different path than the one she chose. She could have given me up for adoption, she could have had an abortion, she could have given me to her parents to raise, but she didn't ... she kept me. She and my daddy married soon after she found out she was pregnant & against all odds they are still married today! They will be celebrating 30 years this December. 
She didn't let marriage or a baby stop her from graduating high school. She got a job and she and my father built a modest home. She has always been a dedicated, hard worker. 
My childhood was a great one. She always seen to it that my brother and I had our needs met. We always went on a family vacation, I always had fun and exciting birthdays, Easter baskets that ran over into the floor, Christmas was full of excitement & anticipation, and most importantly love. Our home was filled with love.
 I knew she loved me. 
Our home was not perfect by any means, but it was ours. 
Our crazy was normal.
We ate at the kitchen table.
We ate out on Friday nights followed by a trip to Wal-Mart. 
We sang in the car with the windows down.
We made up silly songs.
We lived on a dirt road.
We visited our neighbors.
She would plant flowers in the Spring.
She would make our lunch on days the cafeteria served something we hated.
She would include a love note. 
She would spank us with the fly swat when we got out of line.
She would stay up with us if we were sick.
She threw me a huge surprise "Sweet 16!"
She took me to find my first prom dress.
She helped me through my first broken heart.
She cried when I tried on my wedding dress.
She held my hand when I had my first child. 
She takes me to lunch.
She loves my children.
She gets me a surprise every now and then. 
We talk every day multiple times.
If there is a such thing as a perfect mother she is as close as you'd get. She loves my brother and I with her entire being. Family is her life. She has sacrificed so we could have. She has made her home one that we love coming back to. She is my Mama!
I hope she knows how special and loved she is every day of the year not just on Mother's Day!

My Mama with my babies at the Zoo! 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother - in - Law ...

My Mother-in-law and I have always had a great relationship with one another, but the first year or two 
took some work, mainly on my end. When you are a new bride there is no class on 
"how to love your mother-in-law" or "how to get along with your mother-in-law!"
Maybe I should create one!
You always hear women talking about how ugly, rude, and spiteful their mother-in-laws are. I didn't want that for myself or for her. A relationship between anyone is hard, but this particular relationship seems to be one of the hardest between women. Within the first year of our marriage I purchased a book at our local christian book store entitled, "The Mother-In-Law Dance - Can two women love the same man & still get along?"  
This book was very helpful to me and gave me a lot of insight. 
The answer to that question is, "YES!" 
Yes, two women can love the same man and get along! After all, she did raise the man I fell in love with. 
She put her life into her son, his best interest, she took care of him, nurtured, and loved him. 
He was the man that I loved because of her. 
I am sure this transition was hard for her to see her son "leave the nest" and know that he wouldn't need her in the same way he had needed her for all of those years. 
I also looked in my bible for stories or examples of other daughter-in-law/mother-in-law relationships. 
The best example by far is that of Ruth and Naomi. Even after Ruth had lost her husband and Naomi a son she still wanted to remain with her mother-in-law.  Naomi even bid her to leave and start a new life. 
Here is what Ruth told her, "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." Ruth 1:16-17
That is truly a special relationship and bond that the two of them shared! 
My mother-in-law has been wonderful to me through the years. Ryan and I will be married 10 years in October and she and I have had a relationship that has only grown sweeter and closer through those years. 
She isn't just my mother-in-law, she is my friend, someone I call and ask advice, someone I laugh with, someone I have cried with, & we are known for our late night delusional conversations and texts! 
There have been many nights at 1 am Ryan has asked me, "who in the world are you talking to this late?"
Then he will respond, "never mind - my mother!"  She is known to be a night owl! 
She is also one of the strongest women I know. I have seen her go through trials, the loss of her mother, family difficulties, and she has remained steadfast and faithful through it all. 
I have heard stories from friends and other families members who don't speak to their mother-in-laws. Who can't even stand the sight of them. Who don't correspond for birthdays or holidays. A family member of mine once told me a story of her mother-in-law who would give gifts at Christmas and then give her a pair of socks or something used in front of the entire family. It really is heartbreaking to not want a relationship of love & kindness between two women who have such a strong common interest! 
Now that I have two sons of my own, I know one day they will fall in love with a young lady and leave me behind, so to speak! I know that will bring tears and a new season of life for me. I hope one day I can build a relationship with my daughter-in-laws that my mother-in-law has built with me, one of love, kindness, & respect. My mother-in-law has never come into my home and told me how to do things. She has never cut me down. She has never told me how to parent my children. 
She has always showed me respect. I am sure there have been times that I have done things wrong, times that she could have openly corrected me or the way I have done things. I am sure there have been times when I have been careless with my speech or actions & she has loved me in spite of myself. 
For everything that she has done for me, my family, for my children...I say thank you! 
I love and appreciate her & hope she has a wonderful Mother's Day! 


Friday, May 10, 2013

Grandmothers...or Nanny's as I like to call them!

I am so very blessed that both of my Nanny's are still alive and with me today. 
I know many that can not say that. 
My grandmothers have always held a special place in my heart - in fact I can not imagine my life with out them. Our family has always been a close knit one. One that eats Sunday meals together, one that gets together for every holiday, one that will watch your kids at a drop of a hat, and the list could go on. It really is a rarity these days to find a family as close as ours. Perhaps it is because of these two ladies, the backbones, the pillars, the ones who have always kept it together. 

My Moms mother has always been known as Nanny Judy to me. 
As a little girl I have very fond memories of things we did together. 
She quit work to watch me when I was born and as I grew up I always road the bus to her house in the afternoons. She would always have a snack waiting for me. Apples & peanut butter one of my favorites.
I always went on family vacation with them, she would take me shopping for "back to school" clothes, she taught me how to cook & read recipes. We loved to find cookbooks at thrift stores or yard sales and go through them together marking pages of things we wanted to try. I remember spending lots of nights at her house. She would trim my bangs on the back porch. I learned to ride a bike going down the hill in her yard.  I shaved my legs for the first time at her house. I guess there is something special about being the first grandchild born and the connection - bond that is made. She is my "tell it like is grandmother." The one who holds nothing back. Although there have been times that I wished she did! I really wouldn't change anything about her though and love her just the way she is. 

My Dads mother has always been known as Nanny Karen to me. 
I also have very fond memories of things that we did together. 
As a little girl she was the one  who always made the best southern home cooked meals & still does by the way. I remember always wanting to spend the night on Saturday nights with them so I could go to church on Sunday. I remember the old black bible she had with notes throughout. It was one of my favorite things that she owned. Just like with my other grandparents I went on family vacations with them as well. They would go to the beach every summer and I was the tag along!  I remember Christmas Eve getting a bicycle from them that I so desperately wanted! She has always been my more tender heart-ed grandmother. More apt for talking things out with me and a voice of reason. I really wouldn't change a thing about her as well & love her just the way she is. 

Nanny Judy & Nanny Karen 

 Through the last couple of years both have had health issues that just come with age.
I am thankful they are still very healthy and active.
I am also thankful that my children have had the privilege of being raised up with there great-grandparents. They also love and adore them. It is a wonderful thing to have such sweet treasured memories. I hope they are with me for many more Mother's Day's to come! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Baby...

I don't even know where to begin with this one! 
From the very start of my pregnancy in 2010 it was a difficult one. 
I had never experienced sickness, nausea, "morning sickness", what ever you'd like to call it with either of my previous pregnancies. This one however was VERY different. I was so nauseous one day that I finally broke down an bought a pregnancy test. I wasn't quiet sure if I had a bug or I was indeed pregnant.
 I guess you know by now it was PREGNANCY! 
We were excited & surprised as we were with our others - we never really did "plan to get pregnant!" 

On my first doctors appointment we were very shocked with the ultra sound...TWINS! 
Perhaps that explained my nausea and morning sickness?!
I was excited but we were told that one of our babies didn't look like it was attaching properly. Very sad news but they had not given up hope. Our doctor told us it would just be a waiting game. I tried to take it easy for the next 6 weeks but when we went in for our follow up ultrasound we were told I had miscarried.  I was heartbroken but I was also re-leaved that the other baby was doing so well and was healthy. 
There are still days that I wonder what he/she would have looked like, what personality type he/she would have had, but what hope in knowing I have a sweet baby waiting for me in heaven.

Towards the end of this pregnancy I begin having complications and was sent to see a specialist. 
I was diagnosed with placenta previa and placenta accreta. A very scary, serious, life threatening condition. My doctor told me point blank if they had not caught it in time and preformed a regular c-section I would have died. At 35 weeks I began bleeding heavily and was scared out of mind. I was rushed to the hospital and was put on hospital bed rest until I reached 36 weeks. At this point they felt safe that the baby & myself were stable enough for surgery. On November 24th, the day before Thanksgiving, I went in for a 4 hour surgery and gave birth to our 3rd and last baby! I didn't see him on the day he was born as he was rushed off to the NICU but the very next day I held "my little turkey" for the first time! 
He was small at 5lbs. and having difficulty breathing but he proved to be a little fighter. By the 3rd day in the NICU he was breathing on his own and doing great! The next few months proved to be trying and hard. Candler had numerous pulmonary problems and we were in and out of the hospital. When we went in the last time we were transported to a children's hospital in Atlanta. I remember my husband and I thinking we could lose our baby. It was a very scary time for us. He pulled through it again though! 
Finally, at about a year old we were out of the woods and he was a healthy boy! 

He has turned into quiet the mess these days. He is a very attached Mama's boy! I am sure I am mostly to blame for this. There is something about knowing this is your last baby that makes you want to hold them and cater to there every whim! He is into everything - I guess terrible twos?! From drawing on walls to pouring syrup on the couch he keeps me hoping most days. There are many days when I am SO glad that Daddy has made it home!!! Let's face it there are days when you feel like you are going to pull your hair out!!!
I would be willing to bet he says, "MAMA" over 500 times a day! 
On the flip side he can be so sweet! Like when I say, "Who do you love the most?" And his answer is, "MAMA!" Or when he walks up to me and kisses me for no reason at all. 

My heart as a mother is truly full. I could not be more blessed. 3 beautiful, healthy children,  who I love and adore and who I know love and adore me back. They are my sunshine! 

(And for those days when Mama does need a little break... I am so glad for Nana's & Papa's who only live 10 or so miles away! )

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

That's what little boys are made of...

Our Second Born

What are little boys made of?
Slugs and snails
and puppy dog tails.
That's what little boys are made of! 

On January 29, 2008 I was nervous, anxious, excited, and restless! 
No sleep came that night for the next morning I would be going in for a scheduled c-section to have a precious baby boy. On the morning of January 30th my husband and I left our house about 5 am to head to the hospital. At 7:41 a.m we had heard his first cry! A beautiful blue eyed, dark haired, 8lb. 7oz. baby boy had made us a family or four! 
After our first born I couldn't imagine loving another baby as much as I had loved her. 
However, it is amazing how quickly the "Mothering Instinct"  kicks in!
Instant Love!
A few hours after he was born he had to be connected to a machine to monitor his breathing. 
He was a little delayed. 
One nurse came in and suggested I lay him on my chest to see if it would comfort him. I was amazed! 
As soon as they laid him on me his breathing went to normal. 
He could hear my heartbeat. Talk about the best feeling in the world.
Needless to say not many others held him that day because he was at such peace being with me! 
I guess you could say he was a "Mamas Boy" from the very start!

That hasn't changed much since that day and I love every minute of it. 
He is such a sweet, tender heart-ed, fun-loving boy.
You can defiantly tell a difference between little girls and little boys.
He loves all things dirt, worms, trucks, ball, caps, miss matched clothes, and the list could go on.
He has had two sets of stitches and he goes from sun up until bed time and some days I wonder where he puts all the food he eats?!
I now understand the saying, "Boys eat you out of house and home!"
What do the teenage years have in-store?!

He has always been my cuddle bug!
I always said that I wouldn't be the parent who let there kids sleep with them on a nightly basis.
Boy, was I wrong with that. He went through a stage where if anyone wanted sleep he better be in the bed with me! Still to this day every now and again about 4 or 5 am he sneaks into the bed with me!
One night as he was crawling into our bed he said, "Mama, I just love you so much I can't be without you!"
Who can say "No" to that?

I've had several friends through the years that have been pregnant and hoped for little girls.
Let's face it, it is funner shopping for girl clothes, lace, and bows. There is only so many pairs of blue jeans, denim overalls, and t-shirts that can appeal to someone in the little boys department!
Only to find out that they are having a boy. My comment to them is always, "Little boys love their Mama so much! Just wait and see!"

So dirt, mud, sand, puppy dogs, and snails, I'm so glad that this little boy is mine!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mothers... or Mamas as I like to say!

Since Mother's Day is approaching this Sunday the rest of the week my post will be geared towards Mothers... or Mamas as I like to say! 

Mother: 1) a female parent. 2) a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone. 3) the qualities characteristics of a mother, as maternal affection: It is the mother in her showing itself. 4) something or someone that gives rise to exercises protecting care over something else. 5) a person or thing that is very large, powerful, or impressive.

I got pregnant with our first child in 2004 much to our surprise! 
We were not planning on having a family right away as we had only been married going on 2 years. I was so nervous when I found out. I took 4 pregnancy test before Ryan got home that day because I was sure I was doing it wrong! 
After I finally accepted the fact that I was pregnant I called Ryan and asked him to come straight home after work. I remember it like it was yesterday. He said he would. I always expected him shortly after 5. On this particular day though 6 o'clock rolls around and he still wasn't home. I was on pins and needles by this point! Anxious is an understatement!!! I called him again to see where he was?! He had ran into a friend at one of his stops on his route and he was chatting away! 
How could he?! I was sitting there on egg shells and he is shooting the breeze!!! 
He finally made it in and I remember us sitting on the steps and him saying, 
"What is it? What is so important? Are you o.k?" 
I showed him one of the pregnancy test to which he replied, "What does this mean?" 
Tears came to my eyes as I said, "We're pregnant!" 
I think for the next few minutes the world stopped as we let the realization set in! 
He was excited, we hugged, we cried, and we told our parents! 
I wan't sure how far along I was but I made a doctors appointment and again to our surprise I was 9 weeks! 
What a miraculous thing to see a live baby inside of you. To know that you have been given a gift to take care of, to nurture, to protect, & to love. 
I could not have been happier! 
I also remember the day we found out what the sex of our baby would be. 
Ryan and I along with my Mama and his went to the doctor. I remember them asking if we had a guess as to what the baby was. I think we were split 50/50 although we didn't care! 
The doctor proudly proclaimed, "IT'S A GIRL!" 
My Mama immediately burst into tears! That afternoon she took me lunch and we of course went shopping! Lots of dresses and bows were in the future! 
On July 19th by c-section the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen was born! 
She was perfect in every way.  I had never felt that type of bond or connection in my life. 
I had no idea I could love something so much so instantly! 

This sweet baby girl is now 7 years old. I now understand the meaning of "Where does the time go?"
It has flown by for me. The past 7 years of being a Mother, Ma-Ma, Mommy, to now Mama have taught me so much. All of our days have not been great but the good sure has out weighed the bad! 
From potty training to riding a bike I wouldn't trade it for the riches of this world. 
She is so wonderfully made! A strong willed, funny, intelligent, well rounded girl that is mine! 
I love being your Mama, Madilyn Charm! 


Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday ~ A time to Redeem

I have always liked Mondays ~ I know I'm an odd ball! 

I know most hate going back to work. Getting back in the swing of things. 
 However, I enjoy routine and I think it's important! 
I always enjoy family time & fun weekend events, but Monday is the day
where we stay in our pj's all day long.
I clean, get caught up on laundry, focus on what school work we have to complete for the week,
and overall just have a relaxing day! 
There is something about the weekend that leaves my house looking like a train wreck! 
Mondays are a time to regroup, to mentally prepare yourself for the week ahead.
A lot of times a Monday can set the pace for what the rest of your week will be like. 
This Monday, Madilyn and I are doing a little happy dance - We only have 2 Mondays left until 
I am not sure who is happier, she or I?! 
As a homeschooling Mama I look forward to the breaks just as much as she does! 

Monday is a fresh start, new beginning of sorts, and we are given a chance to redeem the time!  
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16
(Redeem: to make up for; make amends for; to obtain the release or restoration of.)

On this Monday as you are getting back into your daily routine for the week, I challenge you to make the most of your time. 
See what's lacking in your life, spiritually, mentally, & physically.
Set goals for yourself this week - sets goals for your family this week! 
Achieve them! 
Leave last week in the past. Don't let whatever bogged you down, circumstances, day to day life, get in the way of obtaining joy this week! Be encouraged, be the light that brightens someone else's day!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yard Selling - Not for Sale

Yard Sales and myself have a love/hate relationship! 
I love the profit/rewards but I hate all of the time & labor that you have to put into it to make it a success!
Today, one of the nastiest days of the year, we had a yard sale. 
A yard sale to benefit sending our youth to summer camp. 

Today while working the sale, several things crossed my mind.
Why did I work days in a row to organize this?
Why did I run to and fro picking up sale items & tables?
Why did I make front & back posters till the side of my hand was stained?
Why did we work so hard cleaning items & pricing them?
Why did I only get 5 hours of sleep?

Why, I asked myself? Why?
The answer is a rather simple one, because, out of all of those items in the sale, 
there are certain things in life that are NOT FOR SALE! 

Our youth, the youth of today, the future of tomorrow is NOT FOR SALE!
It is worth the work, hours, running around, loss of sleep, to strive for the kids to 
attend a summer camp that teaches them God's word rightly divided.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15
It's worth it to see them sing songs, learn memory verses, make new friends, attend chapel services, and if one just one of them sees the goodness and the grace of God, it will have eternal rewards far better than anything this world has to offer me. 
I often tell the kids I teach in Sunday School - "What is one thing you can take with you when you die?"
Answer: "Someone else!"
In the society we live in today, we see churches selling out for money, fame, & numbers.
Our youth is constantly bombarded with peer pressure, drugs, sex, immoral life styles, and I for one want to stand in the gap and say that they are 

Here is a perfect song for this post: Not For Sale 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

In the eyes of the beholder!

A friend of mine at did this with her spouse and I thought it would be a fun thing to do too on this dreary Thursday! 
Here is how it goes: get a loved one to write a few facts about "YoU!"
So, I messaged my husband this morning and asked him to jot down 10-20 things about "Me" if he had some free time today!  I was shocked that within 30 minutes I had a response. 
I thought I would have to remind him at least once!  
So, with that said, here is HIS outlook on ME in bold! I added the comments underneath! 

1. Prettiest eyes - like flowers.
He has always told me this! The pupil of both of my eyes have a yellow circle around them.

2. Smiles like the sunrise.

3. Can organize the biggest mess.
I guess I pride myself on this! It's true! I can't stand clutter or mess!

4. Quick to help.
I think I must get this from my own Mother - I see this quality in her. 

5. Can turn a mess into a beautiful thing. 
Perhaps it's because I am reminded of what my heavenly Father has done for me.
Turned a mess into a beautiful thing. 

6. Forgiving.
"And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Ephesians 4:32

7. People enjoy your presence and also your opinion.
Not sure this is always true!

8. Easy to talk to most of the time...unless I'm in trouble!
This of course made me laugh! 

9. Open to learning & hearing others.
It would be a boring world if we ever stopped learning - make the most of it! 

10. Pretty good at discerning people.
Gut instinct! 

11. Very good Mother.
This makes my heart happy! 

12. Loving wife.
This makes my heart happy too! You can't be #11 without first being #12! 
They go hand in hand! 

13. Leader like qualities that ladies may covet after. 
I'm not sure that anyone covets after anything I have to offer - maybe this is because I'm a first born?!

As I reflected on the sweet things he wrote about me today I came to the realization that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Sometimes, we as women can be so hard on ourselves! What if's, if only I could lose a few pounds, why can't I get more done today, I really could do that better, why is my hair like this, and the list could go on but I am sure you get the point! Truth is we are all "fearfully and wonderfully made!"
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalms 139:14
In this world we live in, it is so easy to get bogged down with a negative self image and comparing yourself to others. But, my goal as a mother, to a young daughter, is to teach her how wonderful she is.
To show her how beautifully and wonderfully made God has created us to be in the likeness of his image.
So, I challenge you to ask someone to make a list for you!
You just might be surprised by what they say and it just might make your day!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Under Construction!

He's still working on me...
to make me just what I ought to be...
It took him just a week to make the moon & the stars...
the sun & the earth & Jupiter & Mars...
How loving and patient he must be...

As I have worked on this blog for two days with 
great FRUSTRATION I was reminded of this song! 
From copying & pasting, html codes, gadgets, layouts, templates, 
& more I about gave up! 
I am glad I didn't though! 

I wanted to create a blog for several reasons:

1 - I think it will be a sanity break for me as a wife, mother, &
home school teacher to our little ones sometimes it's just nice to do something for yourself! 
2- I hope that I am able to encourage other women! 
"Fight the good fight of faith..." I Timothy 6:12
3- I love to journal so what better way to do that than blog?! 

I hope that you enjoy following my post and my prayer is that some how, some way, they may help you in your daily walk. 

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16