Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Baby...

I don't even know where to begin with this one! 
From the very start of my pregnancy in 2010 it was a difficult one. 
I had never experienced sickness, nausea, "morning sickness", what ever you'd like to call it with either of my previous pregnancies. This one however was VERY different. I was so nauseous one day that I finally broke down an bought a pregnancy test. I wasn't quiet sure if I had a bug or I was indeed pregnant.
 I guess you know by now it was PREGNANCY! 
We were excited & surprised as we were with our others - we never really did "plan to get pregnant!" 

On my first doctors appointment we were very shocked with the ultra sound...TWINS! 
Perhaps that explained my nausea and morning sickness?!
I was excited but we were told that one of our babies didn't look like it was attaching properly. Very sad news but they had not given up hope. Our doctor told us it would just be a waiting game. I tried to take it easy for the next 6 weeks but when we went in for our follow up ultrasound we were told I had miscarried.  I was heartbroken but I was also re-leaved that the other baby was doing so well and was healthy. 
There are still days that I wonder what he/she would have looked like, what personality type he/she would have had, but what hope in knowing I have a sweet baby waiting for me in heaven.

Towards the end of this pregnancy I begin having complications and was sent to see a specialist. 
I was diagnosed with placenta previa and placenta accreta. A very scary, serious, life threatening condition. My doctor told me point blank if they had not caught it in time and preformed a regular c-section I would have died. At 35 weeks I began bleeding heavily and was scared out of mind. I was rushed to the hospital and was put on hospital bed rest until I reached 36 weeks. At this point they felt safe that the baby & myself were stable enough for surgery. On November 24th, the day before Thanksgiving, I went in for a 4 hour surgery and gave birth to our 3rd and last baby! I didn't see him on the day he was born as he was rushed off to the NICU but the very next day I held "my little turkey" for the first time! 
He was small at 5lbs. and having difficulty breathing but he proved to be a little fighter. By the 3rd day in the NICU he was breathing on his own and doing great! The next few months proved to be trying and hard. Candler had numerous pulmonary problems and we were in and out of the hospital. When we went in the last time we were transported to a children's hospital in Atlanta. I remember my husband and I thinking we could lose our baby. It was a very scary time for us. He pulled through it again though! 
Finally, at about a year old we were out of the woods and he was a healthy boy! 

He has turned into quiet the mess these days. He is a very attached Mama's boy! I am sure I am mostly to blame for this. There is something about knowing this is your last baby that makes you want to hold them and cater to there every whim! He is into everything - I guess terrible twos?! From drawing on walls to pouring syrup on the couch he keeps me hoping most days. There are many days when I am SO glad that Daddy has made it home!!! Let's face it there are days when you feel like you are going to pull your hair out!!!
I would be willing to bet he says, "MAMA" over 500 times a day! 
On the flip side he can be so sweet! Like when I say, "Who do you love the most?" And his answer is, "MAMA!" Or when he walks up to me and kisses me for no reason at all. 

My heart as a mother is truly full. I could not be more blessed. 3 beautiful, healthy children,  who I love and adore and who I know love and adore me back. They are my sunshine! 

(And for those days when Mama does need a little break... I am so glad for Nana's & Papa's who only live 10 or so miles away! )

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